Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wiki So Far

  For the Wiki website that we've working in class I've been editing the music section adding new facts and sections to make it look more complete. I'm still looking forward to add more stuffs like more influentials musicians in today era or thinks like that there's a lot section or things you can add in music.

I add the section Digital Era, in the music page. I was able to talk about how's the new media today compare to before. I also modified some image and made things look a little bit better. I'm going to keep adding more interesting stuffs that I'll found necessary in the page


File sharing it's been one of the most uses it things in new media. People is able to share their data just with an internet connection among many computers such as computer programs, pictures, video, documents anything from computer to other.

File sharing became more common with the past of the years that today we have a lot of websites which allow us to share media such as iCloud, dropbox, google drive, one drive just for mentioned the most common. All of these platform that allow people to share data have a free subscription but in case we need more space we can pay for extra storage. The implement of file sharing have helped a lot to people for example I remember when I was trying to send a video o a friend through email it was impossible back then unless you have a flash drive , it's maybe for this reason that people tend to don't use flash drive and CD anymore, they cost a lot of  less money  than before, their depreciation cost when down after the internet implemented the file sharing through just the cloud.

If you're a college or high student you must be familiarized with the P2P, which means peer to peer networks. When your STEAM professor it's using the computer and you're able to see the documents the professor has or viceversa  it's nothing more that implement of P2P. Some use for this kind of network are file sharing, instant messaging, voice communication, collaboration, backup. Each computer in a P2P network becomes a files server as well as a client with the only requirement to have a internet connection and a P2P software.

I personal use a lot the file sharing and the P2P network, specially for my favorite hobby, music. Sometimes, when I'm working in a music and a need a collaboration the software that I used allowed this files collaboration and my friend and I computer to be connected so we can modified the work that we're doing. On other Hand, not everything look good with the file sharing and the P2P connection because it's more easy for hackers to get into the computers once they can detect a network try to hack it, this is the only negative aspect about this kind of networks it could break the wall between privacy and what you want other people to see but it's always possible to have a secure connection as long as it well worked. For example according tot he article "Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?" published in the New York Times by Eric P Fanner he mentioned " On Friday, a judge in Stockholm is expected to rule on whether four people connected with a popular file-sharing service, the Pirate Bay, are guilty of criminal violations of copyright law" this a clear example of how our information could be stole it. In this case these people are accused of stole information from Pirate Bay. If people can steal information from big companies like this they can definitely steal your information.

File sharing and P2P networks are really good sources allowing us to work together, people just need to make sure they're having a secure connection. Once people feel good about their connections it's always recomendable use this kinds of networks whenever they're needed.


   Privacy is a really big topic. When someone sign up in any social media the most common fear is that their personal information like photos, conversations could be in someone else hands. For this reason any social media need to specify their guidelines in order to people be sure that their information is going to stay with them and not going to someone else.

   New Media broke the privacy barrer between people because in today's era people usually share everything int heir social media. There's even people who try to steal someone else information in order to get into their privacy, this people are called Hackers. They know of to code programs in order to get people usernames and accounts from any website or social media. Thanks to the new tools that new media have it's easy for these hackers to do their job because they have more technology which they didn't have before.

   To secure people privacy it's important for any platform to have constant people working on it because privacy is one of the most biggest thing that everybody hide and not one want information to be out in someone else computer.


     In order to improve Baruch College using new media I would suggest to make the college 100% interactive where students can follow anything that's going on in the college using their different social media. I would suggest to Baruch college to have an account in all the digital platforms even in snapchat and I would put it in charge students with good GPA and who are really actives in social medias. I would give elective credits to students who want to work in the social media platforms so they can be constant posting news, entertainment and important facts and details about Baruch college all the time.

   Improve the Baruch college app would be a key in order to this proposal to success, because every student prefer to be connected to their educational institute using an unique app without going to their navigator and sign in with their accounts. Thanks to the Baruch App students will be totally connected to the campus creating a more engagement between students and college.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Creativity and New Media

Using the new media tools I was able to record my own song, make a lyric video and even more important share the video and the song to the world.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


 What our abilities are capable to do now in 2017 ?

    We don't need expensive gears and tools to do something creativity. Thanks to all the the new media that exist today I would say we can almost do everything we want from writing a book to create amazing videos, music etc.. anything ! Before new media became  part of our life it was imposible for musicians to record something or do any work without professional work of music companies. It was the same thing for writer they need somebody else to publish their work. Thanks to the implement of new media and the use of creativity people can show their work to the world without limitations.

     Creativity is in other level now. People do funny things with material that already exist before and these kind of works become tendency all over the internet. One clear example of creativity with the use of new media is found in the article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" by Brooks Barnes "The postings (called mash-ups), are made by editing together snippets of animated movies and TV shows. The finished products look like music videos in which the cartoon characters do the singing. As “Crank That” climbed the music charts over the summer — the song hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 this month — the videos started gaining in popularity and users edited together versions using characters owned by other big media companies. A version using clips taken from Nickelodeon’s “SpongeBob SquarePants” has been viewed more than seven million times." this is a clear example of how the use of creativity and mash-ups video has became a tendency in today's era all of this thanks to the advance the we have with the new media. It's amazing how a simple work from youtube can become a world tendency and have millions of views just with a little of creativity.

    New Media and creativity are like a complement. Thanks to the implement of new technology and the not limitation that people have using their creativity with the simple use of the internet and all the source and gear we have today, we capable of do a mash-up, a song, a video, write a book or anything that who knows it could become a world tendency tomorrow.