Monday, March 27, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

       Virtual Worlds have been growing up during this past years, they're basically a representation of what we do in our daily life. As anything it has they're pros and cos it depends of how we handle this virtual world. The latest implement of this technology in today era is the VR system in our smartphones but most of this things began with online gaming such as warcraft where gamers where allow to interact with the people, I even know some stories  where couples meet through virtual realities games or online websites.

      The experience of gaming and online websites play an important role in this virtual worlds. A personal experience with virtual reality would be when I bough a ticket for a concert i wanted to go how would be my view from my seat and thanks to this virtual reality i was able to see my view from my seat. Training programs are also great with this virtual reality programs they give a better experience to the military and people aspiring to become doctors as Nicole Saidi mentioned in her article iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction "virtual worlds are an emerging and important tool not just for autistic people, but for the people who know them" this is a clear example of how virtual world can help no just tot he victim it also helps to the people around them because people who has to deal with a relate in a sick condition go through a lot of things and thanks to this virtual programs it would make the experience a little bit less painful

   Sometimes when we over use this virtual world it becomes a problem for example people tend to have a second life and they take it serious, they don't even want to go out no more and they stay at their house most of the time they tend to think that what they're living there is better than the real world Diane Metha in her article After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?  she mentioned "In virtual worlds, however, you are not alone together, you are really, truly together—connected by these bodily representations caused avatars." this is what people tend to think when they create and avatar and spend a lot of hours in this virtual world. As anything in life this is a good entertainment tool as long as it don't become an addiction.

    Virtual World are the present and the future, we're living this today.

About Twitter

  A twitter discussion is totally different from a blackboard and in-a class discussion.

     In twitter people tend to be more specific because they have a limited characters and they have a lot of time to think what they're going to say, on other hand in a class discussion we don't really have that much time to think about something so we just say what it's in our mind right away. Blackboard discussion are the most open discussion because we don't have limited characters and we have time to think about what we're going to say. Therefore, I'll say blackboard discussion are the "easiest" ones to have.

Social Networking Sites

    In today era there's a lot of social medias, people tend to be register in more than one. The question would be: What's the differences between different social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and snapchat ? Even when they share a lot of aspect in common they all have main differences that make them unique in some way.

      Facebook is the top social media you can find people from all the ages and cultures, it's definitely people favorite social media. The interface that Facebook use is really simple and understandable allowing post pictures and write status without restrictions of characters. Messenger allows people to chat and keep a constant communication. People tend to create events on Facebook like concerts, sport to let people know about future comings presentations. There's even groups where people sell their stuff . One of the new tool that  Facebook has  is go live this allow people to even watch live sports live soccer, NBA etc... Facebook is the top social media because it has all the main features that other social media have. 

   The main thing with twitter is the hashtags or trending topics, I'll say twitter is more profesional that's way many people don't use it. People start following people, most of the professional people in all the areas have a twitter account. if there's something big going on we can easily find them with hashtags. People can also retweet what other says so their opinion, video, or anything they share can be visible in other people twitter page.  Instagram is one of the millennium favorite social medias. Most of the millennium people have Instagram is basically sharing pictures with the possibility of use filters.  Instagram also have a direct message tool to be in contact with followers. Snapchat is all about stories which are pictures or videos. Anything that people share in snapchat remain in their profile for 24 hours and people can also use twitter and share the location where the videos of pictures where taken.

    Analyzing all these four medias is clear that the top socia media in today era is Facebook, twitter is more use it as a professional area or just to express our thoughts. Instagram is the top social media to share pictures, it's most of the people favorite tool to share their daily pictures. Snapchat is more use it to be in contact and know more about people because they tend to share more personal stuffs, In addition we don't see a lot of adults in snapchat. There's a lot of social medias out there and we choose how to use them. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Blog Social Networking

     This is an assignment from my New Media & Business class.

    Social networking in today era has became in one of the most accurate ways of communication for corporate people, small business and anyone. There's a lot benefits from social networking such as communications and marketing for your personal business. All bug business have their own pages in almost every social media because they know is the best way to do marketing and to get noticed for they target people. As almost everything, blogs, social media, social networking have positive things and a dark, negative side when people don't know who to use it appropriate.

    The dark side have social networking as it was mentioned before is the over use of this. People tend to spend a lot of time in the internet just scrolling down and wasting time in the feed section  of any social media. In "Facebook Exodus" by Virginia Efferman this testimony is mentioned "I primarily left Facebook because I was wasting so much time on it,” my friend Caroline Harting told me by e-mail. “I felt fairly detached from my Facebook buddies because I rarely directly contacted them.” Instead, she felt as if she stalked them, spending hours a day looking at their pages without actually saying hello." This a clear example of how Facebook or any social media may become in an excessive waste of time specially when people don't even use it as it supposed to be for communication and networking either for business or personal things. Another big aspect of this dark side in social networking is that people tend to lose their interpersonal communication skills because today kids grow with an whole entire online communication where they don't really need to see or call their friends to start a talking such way that people is communication more and more through text than with a personal interactions clearly affecting people communication skills one example of this is reflected in "Antisocial Networking" by Hillary Stout "The question on researchers’ minds is whether all that texting, instant messaging and online social networking allows children to become more connected and supportive of their friends — or whether the quality of their interactions is being diminished without the intimacy and emotional give and take of regular, extended face-to-face time" this shows how people are worry about how all this texting and online communication would affect the face to face time when these kids in today era are required to interact with people through talking to texting. 

    All the things have a possible dark side it all depend how you use them, specially the networking and social media world. It could become in a waste of time and a waste of interpersonal skills that are required for your personal grow. Social networking is an excellent tool but need to be used appropriate and not in excessive      

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Blog vs Wiki

This is an assignment from my New Media & Business Class

       In today era it's really accesible find the information we want, not matter what it's about There's people who already did the dirty job and found it for us. We find all kind of data in the web the only thing that wee need to do it's choose from where we want the information.

   Wikipedia is well known as the main sources for many people around the planet, I would say if you don't know the answer of something just look it at Wikipedia you will most probably find the information you were looking for. Wikipedia allow people from all the world to edit and contributed with a topic from the page it's for this reason we can find almost everything, in other words it's a work that gets done in collaboration with a lot of people adding, editing and reviewing the page.

   We can find different kinds of blogs, blogs dedicated to talk about sport, fashions, games, entertainment politics etc.. It's basically someone talking about a specific or various topics adding image and having the possibility of editing the way of how the blog looks like.

    The main difference between a blog and wikipedia is that wikipedia is a connected work a lot of people is constantly working in a topic on other hand a blog tends to be more personal and it usually belong to one person or company nobody have access to them unless you provided them with the credentials to log in. Both have great importance in todays people live because when someone wants to know more about a topic they usually read the new data that they didn't know from these two websites.

    There's articles who support or are against the uses of wikipedia such as In "A Rorschach Cheat Sheet on Wikipedia" by Noham Cohen he says  "For them, the Wikipedia page is the equivalent of posting an answer sheet to next year’s SAT" this a debate and thought that many people have. For them wikipedia does not allow people to grow limiting them to just copy and paste what they found without even have a formal criterion, this is the main cons against wikipedia and what it does. On other hand in " Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People" by Noham Cohen  he stated "60 million Americans visit Wikipedia every month. It is the first reference point for many Web inquiries — not least because its pages often lead the search results on Google, Yahoo and Bing." this being the main advantage of wikipedia, this website is consider as the main source of information for many people even the most famous search tool base its search on this website. I would sate everything has a cons and pos and it depends of how we use it. Wikipedia is a great tool that can help us to know more a bout a topic but we always decide at the end what to put in our blogs and paper base in our criterion.

    One new use that wikipedia could add in a near future it could be a sign which allows users to know that the following information is totally legitimate and veridical such a way that it would be impossible modify unless wikipedia accept you request with prove documents or evidence.