Monday, February 27, 2017

Block vs Blog

    Last week I had a date, it happened one day before presidents days, it was great ! hopefully I'll go with this girl to watch "Get Out" a movie which a friend of mine recommended me. He says that I won't like "white Girls" after that movie, that would interesting.

    Ok now that I have your attention let's start (I was not gonna tell you about the date, but to describe it in two words: Funny and Enjoyable )

    You may be wondering: Why did  he choose that tittle this time? I recently discover how I can't say those two words appropriately. It may be because I have an accent somebody told me "You have a REALLY strong accent" of course I knew it, but I hope to keep improving with the past of time. I remember I used to come from high school everyday and study English by my own because I wanted to talk to this girl from my health class in my sophomore year and I couldn't because I didn't want to look like an idiot. a weird motivation but it worked. When I was able to talk to her she told me "I have a boyfriend" the good thing is that I learned how to speak, oh well that's what I think. You can tell me what you think about it my dear reader.

It's funny how you're trying to say something but people get it in a different way just as when I was trying to say these words.

    This week was weird. Sometimes life is like saying block and blog you may want something really bad but instead you get something else. It's like when you like a girl but she doesn't like you back and you start talking to some other girls and you discover how that rejection open other chances with some other girls (it just sounded like a tongue twister).

    You're maybe bored already at this point..

(Ok now that I woke you up I'll continue)

    My relation between the tittle and my current situation is that sometimes when I want to say blog people think that I'm saying block and vice versa. It's just like what it is happening now, I used to think that I really wanted someone  but probably I want someone else now. I'm more  confuse than a girl before her wedding and that's such a really big thing. I don't really know what I want no more. I used to like a girl but now I don't know if I like someone else, It's confused, besides she likes someone else not me. Hopefully I'll clear my thoughts. As this quote says "“Choose your love. Love your choice.” by Thomas Monson. I think the right path it's always who show interested in you and I believe we should always go for that person, we never know where it going to go.

    This was something personal not a research topic or something. I hope you professor don't laugh about it haha. 

When I say Block 
When I say Blog 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Whatever: What's the word to define that person?

         It's really common to find someone who says whatever to many things. In my personal experience I've just met one person, let's called her "Blonde", I know ! It sounds really weird...

         She tends  to use this word a lot and I've been recently looking for a real word or slang to describe this kind of behavior ( That sentence make me sound professional ).  I found many articles describing the word as rude all over the internet for example "Whatever is voted more irritating word in the English language"  by Daniel Bates  and "Whatever is, you know, the word that Americans hates the most" by Dennis Baron professor of the University of Illinois. I'm not going to bother and boring you with the details about these articles, they both say the same shit that you just read in the titles. So let's jump these details and analysis.

        I would say it all depends of the person who's talking to you for example if my friend from middle school says whatever  many times I would definitely hate it more than I actually do for kissing the girl that I liked back then, well.. hate is such a big word for someone who was only 12 so I should use another verb. On other hand, there's this people, the ones that can say WHATEVER and you still going to like them. You can say, how is that possible X ? Let me tell you something: I don't fucking know. I think that's what make this people special you can tolerate the way they talk. They may sounds like the girl/guy who don't like you back cutting you off but at the same time sweet, smart and nice

     To conclude with this little experience about this big word WHATEVER I would say it is indescribable I can't find a verb or adjective to describe it, but what I'm certainly sure is that this word is only designed for the people who not matter how they could be talking to you they always going to sound adorable and make you blush once in a while.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Music Industry: How the new media play an important role for today musicians ?

        My project proposal is about the music industry how the new media and technology have helped the musicians in today era. I will focus on my personal experiences with my band and how today there's things that allow us to record music more easily. how the the music became digital and what are the positives effect of this new digital era in the music industry. I will be analyzing and giving the pros and cons of this new digital era with clear examples, experience and research.

What is this all writing for ?

     This is the beginning of a blog about personal thoughts and all kind of life experience plus music. Ohh I forgot the fact that this is a thing for my new media and business class. So, yeah it's because of school but let see how it goes